Pediatric neurology

Nontraumatic fat embolism syndrome in sickle cell anemia.

Pediatric neurology

Horton DP, Ferriero DM, Mentzer WC

Antiepileptic drug hypersensitivity syndrome: in vitro and clinical observations.

Pediatric neurology

Alldredge BK, Knutsen AP, Ferriero D

Antiepileptic drug hypersensitivity syndrome: in vitro and clinical observations.

Pediatric neurology

Alldredge BK, Knutsen AP, Ferriero D

Outcome of brain abscess treatment in children: reduced morbidity with neuroimaging.

Pediatric neurology

Ferriero DM, Derechin M, Edwards MS, Berg BO

Outcome of brain abscess treatment in children: reduced morbidity with neuroimaging.

Pediatric neurology

Ferriero DM, Derechin M, Edwards MS, Berg BO
